Monday, May 24, 2021

No Excuses, Only Comics

It's been a month but I don't have any excuses, only comics.
Yup, that same ol' story. So much to do, I don't want to do anything. But swiftly coming up is the end of the school year and, then, my wedding. 

Exciting things though right?! The school year is wrapping up (a mere 4 weeks left) and I've made the decision to take the summer off. Though I have saved the money necessary to do this and of course I'm looking forward to it, it also fills me with anxiety. What if [dramatic pause] Something Happens that drains my savings? And like I said, there's that whole getting married thing I'm doing in August which I want to make all sorts of things for, aside from the normal prep work.

Long story short, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed and that usually means I shut down. And nowadays, that specifically means I play a lot of Animal Crossing. Its a good de-stressor but it certainly doesn't make me feel like I accomplished anything productive. While I do need to keep myself on track, one of the big things I'm working on is not beating myself up for taking little downtime. Sure, don't let it get out of hand, but as long as I'm getting my basic things done when I need to get them done, who says I can't sit on the porch with my Switch for a while?

The following photo is from when Lucy looked into my soul and told me something I hadn't realized about myself:

Girl YES I know what you mean.

I haven't been entirely stagnant though, I promise. Projects are sloooowly but surly coming along, including this one, another set of cross stitches based on Asimov's Laws of Robotics,  AND I've been working on a way to mingle my jewelry making and cross stitch hobbies. Like I said though, slow going. Same with reading though I recently finished another Rex Stout mystery which I plan on sharing soon.

Anyway,  I hope to get back on track and out of this low energy slump I'm in. Only time will tell but I'll keep thinking about it...

I love Poorly Drawn Lines, check it out.

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